Organic Farming

Our aim is to give back to the environment and to move forward on the path of sustainability. Organic food refers to the way of growing and processing agricultural products. Organic crops should be grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers. We are striving towards a sustainable agroecosystem that ensures soil and water conservation and less pollution.


We examine soil quality, crop patterns, prevailing crop rotations, and nutrient levels in the soil. We have an effective way of functioning, combining traditional and state-of-the-art machinery.


We have always been a supporter of food that is more delicious, nutritious, and holistic. We believe that there is an urgent need to develop natural methods to improve agricultural production. We believe that it is time for a change. Pesticide accumulation is happening in the body of most of us due to exposure to modern food, allopathic medicines, etc. These chemical elements give rise to health issues such as headaches, birth defects, weakened immune system, excess stress as a “body burden”.


Our mission is to make consumers aware of the benefits of organic food by giving them healthy alternatives to food and to motivate people to adopt organic food and a healthy lifestyle. As it did hundreds of years ago when chemical pesticides were not introduced and anything eaten was natural and free from chemical elements.


Our effort is to promote cow-based agriculture by keeping Gomata in the center which used to be in our ancient India for years and we were considered “Sone ki Chidiya” on the world stage. As we drifted away from the identity of India and Indianness, we turned away from Gomata and organic farming. The ill-effects of which are presented before us in many forms. Today, we fell behind in every field, financial, mental, physical, social, and invited many serious diseases.

Today, our country and the world spend billions of dollars every year on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and then introduce a huge expenditure to deal with the health imbalances and public health hazards posed by the use of these toxic chemicals. We are not against modernism but are advocates of Indianism. We believe that by adopting the qualities of Gaumata, Organic Farming, Ayurveda Medical System, Yoga, Gurukula Education, and Ancient Indianness. India has the ability to guide the world even in modern times.


What we provide to you as final products are pure, natural, and of the highest quality.
